Tuesday, November 18, 2008

liza says my blog is dead. so i will attempt to revive it :P today went to watch madagascar 2 with sarah, janeen, liza, cedric (?)(lizas bro), chinyi, and amy. its super random. haha. the only part worth thinking about is the hippo and the giraffe. gosh i wonder what their kids look like. fat with a long neck and spots? well thats if they have kids in the first place as sarah asked in the cinema the question on everyones mind: 'how do they have sex?' HAHA. good question. :P
i had a very interesting sms convo with chinyi ytd. we were noobly debating who was better, tigger or pooh. obviously tigger. i think i won :D i mean tigger has his own movie. 'the tigger movie'. what can argue with that? furthermore pooh encourages obesity. ever watch the episode where he eats so much at rabbit's house he gets stuck in the rabbit hole? simple really. :)
ZOMG liza's brother is hahaha. i'm impressed with liza's amazing sisterly love. :P ok im not saying anymore. :D
uh...trained home today after movie with liza, chinyi and cedric (?) (lizas cool bro). as usual got bullied by liza and chinyi then went home. now on the comp and just watched some mcfly vids. i think the lies music video is really cool although ive watched it many times. haha.


so cool right? :D haha.
you know a few days ago my parents set this wierd and annoying rule that my comp MUST be off by 12 and i shud go to sleep that time?? 12??? madness. maybe janeen's parents influence them. apparently they gave the same rule to janeen. :P haha. must be the new parent's craze now. maybe someones gotta tell them its the holidays. HOLIDAYS. -.-

lalala~© who was the one who started this? :P

posted by nat @7:42 PM

fairy tale

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yesterday went training. my form was super inconsistent cause i never train for like two days cos i went malaysia. We played the sec2/3 to a game. Actually i started off really well scoring a hatrick in the first quarter. so were leading 3-0. from there on we were too tired to do anything and got owned. haha. i think the final score was like 5 to >10. obviously not to us.
Collected my report card yesterday as well. really praise god for the good grades. i know he will bless me next year to :P.

TODAY 15/11/08
um...nothing :P

I waited. I was not disappointed. I gave a leeway :P hahaha

posted by nat @1:49 PM

Every girl wants their own special prince
Maybe he came from a frog that she kissed?
Or did he wake her up from her sleep?
Or could he have searched the whole damn town for her feet
To fit that slipper//
Every guy wants their own sweet princess
Maybe she felt that little pea under her mattress?
Or did she let down her blond hair
And let he prince use it as a flight of golden stairs
Yeah, I don't really care//
Because you see...
I may not be prince charming
But i still have a princess in mind
She may not have royal blood, nor the hair for me to climb
But I really really want her to be mine//
So at the ball I will say...
Princess you will be my Cinderella?
And we will dance and dance and dance all night long
And even though the clock strikes midnight
We'll be alright
Because I know that I will not last long
'Cos one more day with you it can't be so wrong
And that's my fairy tale//

posted by nat @1:41 PM

Dare to be different, occasionally wierd, and always yourself

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Long time no post..well i missed a day of blogging and thats bad enough. so here goes...

Liza says my blog looks like a girl's blog. after observing it a couple of times, i think she's right. haha. but its ok. dare to be different, occasionally wierd, and always yourself. :) but to prove my sexuality (which of course is that of a boy, for any doubters :P) this is something a girl wouldn't and couldn't do:

hehe. was too full for lunch. haha.

YESTERDAY 11/11/08

didnt do much. most of the day was spent looking after ashley and ethan. won't post much about it cept that ashley is UBER cute. haha. i forgot to take videos of her. sad. then after that didnt do much.

TODAY 12/11/08

today woke up earlier than usual, had breakfast with aunty karen, ray han, and jay han. then headed of back to singapore. it was a kinda boring trip. except near the end when it started raining like siao and my dad could hardly see anything on the road. HAHA. so cool. then there was like some sort of lightning show. haha. like i think a bolt of lightning struck the ground right in front of our car as we were driving. so cool. haha. then i had an interesting conversation wif my dad about my naivety (my fairy god motas like to abuse it :P), GEPers, and um...Jill's dad. hahaha. i enjoyed the one about GEPers the most. haha. and no, i'm not a GEPer so the conversation was not one about how great the GEP is. haha.

posted by nat @11:44 PM

Blogging from Msia...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My dad borrowed this wireless internet thing from his friend so i can use internet :D haha. um..i shall start with yesterday...


didn't to much as most of the day was spent in the car. travelling. when i reached singapore my mom went to do her hair, and i was left with ethan and caitlynn. my workload mostly with caitlynn. haha. at dinner we went to some restaurant..nothing special. till my bro called saying he brought friends over to the house. liza and janeen. hahaha. i find it highly disturbing that they entered my room. i knew my parents shouldn't have left him alone. to top it off, when i asked my bro what they did at the house he said 'u'll see when you come back' and just now when i asked liza she said the same thing. i'm horribly worried. hahahaha. (iwas hoping one of them would have posted on their blog whatthey did unfortunately they didnt :D) oh well i guess i WILL see when i get back..and if it isnt pleasant...hehehehehe. just a warning, i don't like, and i SERIOIUSLY don't like, unpleasant surprises. :)

TODAY 10/11/08

today was kinda fun. woke up kinda late.went for breakfast at the hotel. were like the last ppl there and i think they were gonna close the breakfast stuff soon. haha. after that my mom drove to the children doctor, doctor yaw, cuz caitlynn kinda threw up ALOT last night. yeah then after that, headed off to aunty yvonnes house to feed caitlynn her lunch cuz they have all the baby stuff there. haha. ZOMG ashley is supeeeeeeer cute. and like compared to ethan, and shes only two, she can talk uber alot. haha. the first thing i got there and i said to her 'wow u have rabbits!' she said repeatedly to me several times in a rather sadistic/cynnical voice and expression on her face: 'the rabbit die already. the rabbit die already' hahaha. cuz apparently they had another rabbit quite a while back that died. then she kept talking absolute rubbish like naked babies who don't wear pampers and how she caught a fish in the longkang (drain). when caitlynn finaly finished eating aunty yvonne brought me and steph to the mall to do some shopping. haha. (sorry i know u find the thought of me shopping wierd, janeen, but the truth is. I shop :D) haha. so today...i bought..
i serioulsy would have bought more but i ran out of money. haha. so after that we phoned aunty yvonne using public phone to pick us up cause we wanted to watch madagascar 2. so aunty yvonne brought us to megamall and guess what, turns out the stupid show not showing today. zzz. then me and steph were kinda pai seh to call aunty yvonne again so we cabbed to turuntum where i heard got new cinema. well there was, but they weren;t even showing the stupid show. waste my RM8. i think the taxi driver cheated us. haha. so in the end we ended up calling my dad to pick us up and stoning outside for like half and hour. then went home, stoned, went to aunty yvonne house to feed caitlynn dinner, then went to aunty siew ching house to have dinner...thats pretty much it. oh and just finished a plate of noodles. supper :D haha. i think im gonna get fat...:(

In Natmah world. unpleasant surprises are given a taste of abalone pie. with cat fur topped with fresh pencil shavings. straight from the platypus. AHH. lemon chicken hail storm.

posted by nat @12:09 AM


Sunday, November 9, 2008



Although i don't know why you called it Natopia. haha. It's supposed to be Natmah world. haha..but i guess it'll do :D


posted by nat @12:10 AM


Saturday, November 8, 2008

ZOMG. finally the gig is over :P we did pretty well for my standards and considering we only had like one practice together with elisa before the gig. haha. kinda screwed up 'lucky' tho. but i think we managed to re-collect ourselves fine :D SCREW NASRI. spoil my fantastic day. haha. but at least there was a shimmer of hope for United's future when Rafael volleyed home from a loose ball. FRIGGIN AWESOME shot. haha.
In the morning i went for youth worship prac at trade hub for the first youth service on 16 jul. Josh Oh came late. Ivan's guitar broken i think and he came like 45min late and we soon found out he never brushed teeth ;) prac was ok..there werent enough amps so Jon used a tiny amp that was about the size head. seriously. haha. i think they called it a.....penis amp. maybe it was another word i have no idea but that was what i heard :) hahaha. then chionged home then practiced wif my bro for the gig. After gig went dinner with relatives at Billy Bombers. We didn't have pen to fill out the response card thingy so we took the fork and poked holes at the respective tick boxes thingy. :)
It seems like i missed alot at the creation/evolution talk ;) apparently didn't miss anything exciting from the talk itself. haha. wud have been fun to see adriel act gay and ezra showing the way to flirt wif girls ;) (ezra if u see this, someday, somehow, don't blame me, that was the viewpoint of all the girls :D im just stating the facts).
Tmr going Kuantan...if stephanie was not going i seriously think i wud die from boredom. haha. To be honest i'm not really looking forward to going but oh well...
OH i think my bro posting our performance of 'before he cheats' on fb but at the minute havent finished uploading so i'll post the link later. maybe ill post it here too..if i have the time.
(GOT THE LINK! CLICKHERE and ENJOY :D and pls comment :D)


the candy floss hurricanes are starting again. everyone fly home. grab your cats.

posted by nat @11:40 PM

bird/lizard/wierd creature/hopefully not human/ shit item

Friday, November 7, 2008

Zomg..I'm exhausted. had a super long day..maybe not as long as janeen's dancing marathon, but oh well. I don't dance :) had to skip my precious training today to go for some sec 4 grad ceremony in skool. super boring. they go through EVERY SINGLE class, all 17 of them, saying every single persons name. Each class has like 30+ people...super long. super boring. so i super ponned/escaped. :D me and matthew said we were going toilet then ended up going canteen and eating $2 fried rice with chicken wings. We told out friends who were troubled by our unusually long toilet trip i had constipation and matthew had some other excretion problem ;). after that went home. I missed my stop cuz i fell asleep. thank god only one stop. if i went all the way to JE i'd prob jump off the track or sumthin. when i reached home, stoned, then headed off for neos camp recky. on the way i wanted to be a good boy and decided to hold the railings for the staricase at the mrt and ended up touching some bird/lizard/wierd creature/hopefully not human shit item. disgusting. anw, the place quite cool but ppl going pls bring insect repellent or you will die. I go there for like half an hour and kenah attack my like a billion mosquitos and 3 big juicy ants. also got alot of places to trip and fall and break open your head for your brain to spill out and provide 3 years worth of lunch for the insects and creatures inhibiting the place. :) AFTER THAT chionged home, then josh j suspected sam tan as a terrorist, then had band practice which was very fustrating. i was too tired to think. kept falling asleep while playing chords. and i dun think we're ready for tmr but oh well..we'll see how it goes :)

posted by nat @10:08 PM

Waiting for my blogskin..

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yiu Yin's comp crashed so i can't get my custom blog skin yet. sad. i'll have to make do with this uber boring, ethan-could-probably-make-it-with-eyes-closed, blog skin i found on some website.


Today was boring. stoned at home. The fact that i actually made a blog which probably isn't going to last for more than a month shows how bored out of my wits i was. fascinating isn't it.

Man Utd should have beaten Celtic. Darn it.

posted by nat @8:03 PM

o.O how the heck do you use this blogger thingy?? maybe i shudn't have gotten a blog in the first place. I don't know why i did. maybe I'll just wait for some blog experts like yiu yin or liza to come on...zzz. But it will turn out right. In Natmah world. Everything does :D

posted by nat @2:38 PM

Natmah is...

Raffles Polo-er <3 CPBC, LAPD, God...and everything else I'm supposed to love. But it doesn't matter anyway. Cuz in Natmah's world. The impossible happens.

Ah shit. It's snowing Cheerios again.








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This skin was made by yiuyin specially for natmah's blog with resources from 12345